Thursday, April 29, 2010

Invite Etiquette: Reception Only

My FI and I are planning to have a small intimate backyard affair for the wedding followed by a grand reception on the beach. The wedding ceremony will take place at my parent's home (as tradition dictates). Their home simply cannot accommodate a large crowd. This is why we have to limit are guest list to close friends and family. I also want to spare most of my guests the 5 hour long ordeal. Guests are allowed to move freely throughout the day. However, the ceremonies are long and arduous so it can be a very tiring experience for everyone involved (especially the bride and groom). As for invites, we will have to make two sets of invitations. This has proven to be a slippery slope because we don't want to offend guests by not following proper etiquette. The formal invites will be in Khmer (Cambodian language) and include an invitation to both the wedding ceremony and reception while most of the English invites will be for the Reception Only. I have narrowed down the wording for both sets but I'm not sure I want to include the last line for the Reception Only invite. Does it sound better without it?

Bride's Name & Groom's Name

Along with their parents invite you to share in the celebration of their marriage on Sunday May 29th, 2011
6 pm at Blah Blah Place, City by the Sea, R.I
Black Tie Optional

A private wedding ceremony will precede the reception


Lian Chen said...

I think it sounds better without.
The invitation indirectly suggests a reception-only invite by the start time of 6pm.
Either that, or you can add something like:

Along with their parents invite you to share in the celebration of their marriage on Sunday May 29th, 2011

Please join us for a sea side reception starting at 6pm Blah Blah Place, City by the Sea, RI

Black Tie Optional

Good luck! :)

Moni said...

Thanks Lian! I really appreciate the feedback.