Monday, February 21, 2011

Last night, I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of sadness, something I am feeling right now as I fight back tears of frustration and hopelessness. I'm just not ready to accept the loss of our wedding. But as the date of the venue deadline grows closer, I can't help but feel complete and utter despair set in and this makes me want to cry. I can feel my nose swell up as I type this and if I let myself have a pity party, I could cry for a few days straight. But I know I can't even though I feel it would let out every single negative emotion I feel. I know it won't do any good because we still won't have a wedding...


Sprout said...

Cherie, what is wrong? Not the caterer...?

Moni said...

I feel better today. We met with two caterers today and will be taking one to view the venue on Friday. Hopefully one of the two will come through.

Sprout said...

Good! Try not to lose sight that this is all about the marriage, not the wedding. Worst case, I suggest you hire wait staff and turn it into Asian potluck!